Joseph Forbes
Master Scenic Artist
Joseph Blakely Forbes is a Tony Honors recipient and the Founder of Scenic Art Studios.
Joe’s impact, influence, and inspiration have formed the company into what it is today. Forbes grew up in rural Virginia and attended Chowan University, earning an Associate’s Degree in Journalism. He then studied at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where he earned his BFA in Scene Design. Upon moving to New York, he attended Lester Polakov's Studio and Forum of Stage Design and later became a member of United Scenic Artists Local 829 in 1979.
Forbes has had a long career as a professional Scenic Artist, beginning at Nolands Scenery Supplier with projects for theatre, ballet, film, television, theme parks, restaurant interiors, and permanent displays. He has painted on many iconic Broadway productions including Annie, Cats, A Chorus Line and Evita. His credits in film include Ghostbusters, The Money Pit, and The Old Gringo.
In 1994, Forbes founded Scenic Art Studios, which has become the premier scenic painting studio for Broadway and beyond. The company has painted for more than 300 Broadway productions, including such shows as Carousel, School of Rock, Dirty Dancing, SpongeBob SquarePants and The Band's Visit. In addition to serving as Founder, Joe is the studio’s hands-on Charge Artist, leading and overseeing his team on all projects. Passionate about what he does, Forbes continually strives to set the bar higher in the scenic painting industry. Many of the scenic artistry innovations that were created at SAS are now industry standards.
Wanting to pass down these standards to future generations, Forbes founded the Studio and Forum of Scenic Arts—a not-for-profit school—in 2004. It has been the studio’s mission to teach the skills of scene painting that have been used for generations while incorporating new materials and techniques. Forbes has had the pleasure of seeing many of his students move on to outstanding careers in scenic design. Additionally, he teaches Scene Painting and Rendering at SUNY Purchase College in Purchase, New York. One of Forbes’ mantras is to “pay it forward” in the scenic design industry. He is currently in the process of setting up a scholarship fund for the theater department at his alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. SAS also donates backdrops and sample pieces that are no longer in use to the social enterprise Unshattered, an organization that offers handbags and accessories made from high quality, repurposed materials that are handcrafted by women in recovery from addiction.
When not at work, or working for others, Forbes can be found canoeing down a whitewater river with Debra, his beautiful wife of thirty-three years, and spending time with his two lovely children, Emma and Colin.