Scenic Art Studios is headquartered in the historic Regal Bag Building in Newburgh, NY.
Built in 1830 to house a cloth manufacturer known as The Newburgh Steam Mill, the six-story, 118,000 sq. ft. industrial building sits alongside the west bank of the Hudson River in the heart of New York’s Hudson Valley. Once home to 17,000 spindles and employing over 300 workers, Newburgh Steam maintained a profitable output until the early 20th century.
Coldwell Lawnmower Co. opened in this location in 1881. In later years, the building welcomed numerous manufacturing businesses, including the Regal Bag Corporation, a handbag manufacterer owned by Licht & Kaplan. Regal got its start in the business with pattern-cutting, handbag assembly, and distribution to major retailers.
Scenic Art Studios occupies the entirety of the top (6th) floor. The open plan and tall ceilings perfectly accommodate larg-scale backdrops for Broadway and other scenic treatments, and access to the building’s freight elevator and ground-floor loading dock allow us to tackle the trickiest projects for theater, retailers, and beyond.
If you’re visiting our headquarters, park along North Water Street (street-side, not river-side) and use the top-floor walking bridge to enter through our front door. Call our administrative office at +1 (845) 245-4648.